Publication Ethics

    1. The journal adheres to the principles of confidentiality and objectivity in the reviewing process for both the researcher and the reviewers.
    2. The journal receives papers written in English for all humanities disciplines except for Arabic language and Arabic literature, which will be in Arabic.
    3. The journal relies on experienced and reliable reviewers in their respective fields. All submitted research undergoes a peer-review process by three experts.
    4. The journal’s editorial operations and hierarchies adhere to the prevailing ministerial regulations established by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Iraq. For more information, check Research and Development Department.
    5. After acceptance of the research, the researcher will be informed formally and be offered a free copy of the issue in which the paper is published.
    6. Editors and reviewers, except for the direct individual responsible for the editorial process (the editor-in-chief or his/her designate), are not permitted to discuss the paper with anyone else, including the researcher. Any information or opinion obtained through reading must be kept confidential and should not be used for personal gain.
    7. The journal is committed to officially informing the researcher of its final decision regarding the submitted research paper as follows: a) Acceptance for publication without revisions, B) Acceptance of publication but should apply specific revisions and corrections as recommended by reviewers’ reports, or C) Disapproval/Rejecting the paper stating the reasons for rejection immediately after receiving the reviewers’ reports.
    8. Respect for the non-conflict of interest between editors and researchers, regardless of competitive or cooperative relationships, or other affiliations with any author, companies, or relevant research institutions.
    9. The journal strictly prohibits the utilization of unpublished material included in the submitted manuscripts for personal research by its members or editors.
    10. In cases of complaints and appeals, the responsible parties for resolution these issues are as follows in hierarchical order: Journal’s Editor-in-Chief, Dean of the College of Arts, Chancellor of the University, resorting to committees of eminent experts in the relevant specialties and areas of complaints.
    11. The journal holds full rights over the published research, and it shall not be re-published in any other form.
    12. If the researcher decides to withdraw his/her research paper, it must be done formally and before receiving any of the three reports from the reviewers.
    13. Research papers receiving negative evaluations from the experts (disapproval/rejecting the paper) become the property of the journal and included in the journal’s archive. The author(s) will receive official notification mentioning the reasons for rejection.
    14. Duplicate/re-submitting or republishing the same research paper elsewhere is prohibited, including submitting/publishing a study and/or its findings more than once, submitting/publishing the same research simultaneously to different journals, submitting/publishing a study and/or its findings in another language, or making some revisions and modifications to a research authored by others or by the same author(s) (known as self-plagiarism). Therefore, it is essential to ensure that the submitted manuscript is your own work, not published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
    15. Plagiarism, in all its forms, constitutes unethical publishing activities and is thereby unacceptable.
    16. The journal stores all data related to the research publishing process, such as information to store research drafts for each researcher, the publication submission form, declaration form, plagiarism reports, referees’ letters, acceptance or refusal letters, payment receipts, etc.
    17. It is not permissible to publish two research papers by the same researcher within the same issue, however, one of them could be deferred to a later issue of the journal.
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